Parish Corporation

President: Most Reverend Thomas Tobin, Bishop of Providence
Vice President: Most Reverend Robert Evans, Auxiliary Bishop
Treasurer: Rev. Joseph Protano, Pastor
Lay Trustees: Phyllis Patricia Queally and Linda Ann Powers

The Parish Organization

Members of the Parish Finance Council:

John Devlin, Tom Doyle, David Graham, Deacon Steven and Laura Hester, Wendy Northrup, Rev. Joseph Protano, Pastor, one Trustee and Mary Donnelly, member Emeritus, non voting

Auditors: Gerry Pierce and Stephen M. Cushman, CPA, MST

Buildings and Grounds Committee: Ed Northup, Chairperson, Bob Closter and Phyllis "Pat" Queally

Grass and Gardens: Denise Cloudo, Glenn Hall and Pat Queally

Religious Education: Laura Hester, Director

Catechist: Deacon Steven Hester and John Cullen, Facilitators: Laura Hester, Roberta Closter, and David Turner

Church Sacristan and Ministries' coordinator: Phyllis "Pat" Queally

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: David Graham, Sean and Cathy Kelly, Pat Queally and other approved volunteers

Lectors: Lorraine Cry, Mary Donnelly, David Graham, Gerry Pierce, Pat Queally, Chris Orgen, Sue Schaller, Maureen Flaherty, Samantha Hester, Wendy Northup and many approved volunteers

Ushers: volunteers

Altar Servers: Conor Spillane, Abbey Hester and volunteers.

Liturgical Music Director: Betty Fitzpatrick.

Peter Greenman, Cantor, Sandy Greenman, Susan Coffin, Joe and Lynn Loya, Kay McManus, Rosemary Millea, LauraHester, Samantha Hester, Susan Schaller and volunteers

Food Pantry Parish Liaison:
Miriam "Mimi" Leveille

Catholic Charity Fund Appeal:
David and Dottie Graham, General Chairpersons, Pat Queally, honorary Chairperson

Chairpersons of the Bishop's Partnership in Charity: Linda Powers and Pat Queally, Chairpersons, and Fr. Protano, Pastor/Treasurer

Block Island Catholic Ladies Guild: Independent organization, associated with St. Andrew Paris. Molly O'Neill, President, Sue Schaller, Treasurer.

Not New Boutique: Coordinator Wendy Northup and many helping hands.

St. Andrew Fund (Restoration) Major Fund Appeal: Pat Queally, Linda Powers and Fr. Protano, Coordinators.